WIN017 – Harmonized cookery with Lisa Masé

​Lisa Masé is a culinary medicine educator. After a decade of healing from chronic parasites, anxiety and depression, an eating disorder, and food allergies, Lisa took health into her hands with food as medicine.

Since 2009, ​Lisa works with people who want to make a lifestyle shift as well as those trying to heal with food chronic conditions such as Celiac, Crohn’s, Colitis, IBS, and Diabetes, Cancer, IBD, SIBO, Hashimoto’s, and auto-immune disorders.

​​Lisa also creates food-based healing programs ​to find a balanced weight, feel energized and nourished, rest well, and practice cooking simple, seasonal meals that are attuned to your body type and healthy ​eating habits.

Lisa prepares meals that meet ​her clients’ needs, and can also prepare food for loved ones ​in need of support.​ She is certified in Sustainable Food Systems through the University of Vermont and continues attending courses on Culinary Medicine and Mind-Body Healing with food.


  1. ​Lisa’s journey ​​- from her roots in Northern Italy to travels and adventures all around the world
  2. ​Lisa’s perspective on current trends in nutrition and connection to the traditional knowledge and philosophy
  3. ​Good pantry staples, storage recommendations
  4. Best ways of introducing spices, good foods for your enteric nervous system and your gut
  5. Creating guidelines for specific dietary and constitutional needs
  6. Planning meals on a budget and batch cooking
  7. Lisa’s favorite resources

​Web resources:


Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us

Nutritional Medicine (Second Edition)

Healing With Whole Foods: Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition (3rd Edition)

Ayurveda: A Life of Balance: The Complete Guide to Ayurvedic Nutrition & Body Types with Recipes

Food Sovereignty: Reconnecting Food, Nature and Community

Full Moon Feast: Food and the Hunger for Connection

​Proudly sponsored by:

This episode is brought to you by ​Pure Indian Foods.

Pure Indian Foods is ​a company created by the 5th generation ghee makers.  To learn more about the products and the company’s philosophy, please listen to my interview with Sandeep Agarwal.

Ghee is a healthy, shelf-stable alternative to butter or other cooking oils that Leslie Cerier mentioned in her interview. Since it has a high smoke point, ghee is one of the best fats you can try for baking and high heat cooking.

The product I usually have on hand in my kitchen is this 100% organic grass-fed ghee.​

​Thank you for listening!

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