WIN045 – Aging gracefully with Deb Soule

​Image courtesy of Deb Soule/Avena Botanicals

Have you ever wondered what it means to age gracefully in our society. We are constantly bombarded by images of beauty, youth and health, yet each one of us is getting older. How do you embrace the changes in your body and mind? How do you preserve the function? 

To answer some of these questions, I invited my today’s guest to speak with me. Her name is Deb Soule. Deb is an herbalist, gardener, teacher and author of The Woman’s Handbook of Healing Herbs and How to Move Like a Gardener.

One of her dreams and desires is to make organic herbs easily accessible to women and families living in rural areas. In the fall of 1985, with her first mail order catalog and a small selection of herbal extracts and teas, Deb launched Avena Botanicals at the Common Ground Fair in Windsor, Maine. Avena Botanicals is one of my personal favorite herbal companies on the market.

Deb’s passion for plants, gardens and healing and her commitment to sharing herbal knowledge with others is central to her work.

Deb is a frequent guest-lecturer at various conferences as well as an instructor for botany and horticulture students, garden clubs, and medical students. In 2005, People, Places and Plants magazine named Deb as one of the 50 most influential gardeners in the Northeast. 

By the end of this episode, you’ll appreciate Deb’s approach to herbal medicine, gardening and aging gracefully.  



​What was Deb’s journey like to becoming an herbalist, a gardener and a land steward


​Why plant and species diversity and biodynamic gardening principles are essential for a healthy garden


​How to utilize the rhythms of Nature (Sun, Moon, seasons) in everyday living


​What 5 things Deb incorporates into her life to age gracefully


​What are Deb’s favorite products in the Avena Botanicals line


​”​I really love taking full body baths and herbal foot baths to help my body stay relaxed. As we age, the body can constrict and tighten up a bit contributing to physical and emotional pain.”

​Deb Soule



The Woman’s Handbook of Healing Herbs: A Guide to Natural RemediesHow to Move like a Gardener: Planting and Preparing Medicines from PlantsDiet for a Small Planet (20th Anniversary Edition)Common Herbs for Natural Health (Herbals of Our Foremothers)What Is Biodynamics?: A Way to Heal and Revitalize the EarthWe’moon 2019 Datebook Calendar: Gaia Rhythms for WomynRosemary Gladstar’s Medicinal Herbs: A Beginner’s Guide: 33 Healing Herbs to Know, Grow, and Use


This episode is proudly brought to you by Avena Botanicals 

As I mentioned earlier Avena Botanicals is one of my favorite herbal brands. The company creates artisanal level products that are healing and beautiful.

One of my go to is their magical Rose Elixir. A number of my friends and relatives have been recipients of this amazing product that offers medicinal and protective powers.

Avena Botanicals kindly offered the listeners of this podcast a discount of 15% off on the entire order placed on their web site before 1/1/19. 

Please use a discount code AvenaWellness18 at the checkout.


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