WIN047 – The power of tastes & flavors as medicine with Brittany Wood Nickerson

​Image courtesy of Brittany Wood Nickerson ​

Whether you’ve been told ‘you have a sweet tooth’, ​you ​​crave salty chips​ or quench your thirst with sour lemon in your beverages, the richness of tastes makes our life more exciting. ​

In ​this episode ​my guest helps me unpack the miracle of tastes  as well as their powerful medicinal effects on our bodies.

My today’s guest ​is ​Brittany Wood Nickerson.  ​Brittany is a practicing herbalist, author, health educator, and cook.  

​Her knowledge of nutrition and a passion for using food as medicine is beautifully combined with her training in Western, Ayurvedic and Chinese herbal medicine. 

Brittany is the founder and primary instructor of Thyme Herbal, where she teaches the three-year Herbal Apprenticeship Program, as well as courses in earth-based ritual and spirituality. Brittany’s ​teaching and learning approaches emphasize personal empowerment, holistic self-care, and intentional living.

​She is a passionate teacher and an inspirational speaker, presenting at conferences and for programs throughout the country. She is the author of The Everyday Living Series, posters and zines for the home, The Herbal Homestead Journal and Recipes from the Herbalist’s Kitchen.

​By the ​end of this episode, Brittany will help you to connect your senses and awaken ​your taste buds. You’ll be able to understand how different tastes affect our bodies and promote health. ​


  1. ​​Brittany’s journey in herbal and food medicine
  2. ​Why Brittany’s business is called Thyme Herbal and ​how empowerment became the main philosophy and goal of Thyme Herbal ​
  3. Why it’s wrong to only think of what we are eating but not how we ​eat
  4. 5 main tastes you ​find in your food; what ​each flavor ​communicates to you ​
  5. ​How to bring awareness into your cooking & food preparation, and incorporate the diverse flavor profiles​
  6. Best ​sources for getting fresh or dry herbs, how to assess the quality of herbs, best places to store them, and when to replace ​your herbs and spices

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​​Please enter your name and email below and I’ll send you a free ​guide with ​5 tastes and flavors Brittany discussed in this episode.

​Web resources:


Recipes from the Herbalist’s Kitchen: Delicious, Nourishing Food for Lifelong Health and Well-Being

Herbal Homestead Journal

​Cooking for Winter Health Wellness

​Brought to you by:

This episode is proudly brought to you by ​​the American Herbalist Guild.

This year’s symposium is October 25-29, 2018, at Unicoi State Park and Lodge in Helen in Northeast Georgia.   

The theme for the 2018 symposium is Bioregional Herbalism and this year’s Keynote presenter is a fourth generation Alabama herbalist and author of the newly released book, Southern Folk Medicine, Phyllis D. Light. 

​For me American Herbalist Guild is a place of learning and exploration and amazing community of wise and passionate plant lovers. I love attending this symposium because you get many opportunities to meet new teachers and practitioners and simply to have fun.

I hope to see you in Georgia!

​Thank you for listening!

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