WIN051 – Healing through plant art and spirits with Lisa Estabrook

​Image courtesy of Lisa Estabrook

​​During previous episodes we’ve discussed plants and many of their  ​medicinal properties. Today our ​conversation is a little different. We’re looking at the healing effects of plant art and plant spirits.

​My guest is ​Lisa Estabrook. Lisa is a ​graphic designer, an artist and a​ gardener. She has over ​30 years of experience working in her gardens, tending and talking to the flowers and plants that grow there.

​Her intention, through her art, is to share the healing wisdom of the plants that graciously support us and all life on this planet.

​Lisa’s hope is that the beautiful plants and flowers she paints and the soul messages they provide, will spark or support your healing journey, as it has hers, and that in turn contributes to the health and well-being of us all.

​By the end of this episode, ​​you’ll have a much better grasp on the healing potential of plant spirits and plant art. You can see Lisa’s art ​by clicking on the links in the show notes for this episode. –


  1. ​How Lisa’s two paths merged and plants became an inspiration for her artwork
  2. Why Lisa’s company is all about art, plants and their spirits ​
  3. ​What is Soulflower Oracle Deck and how it was conceived ​and why it’s a self-care tool
  4. ​3 of Lisa’s favorite plants and meanings attributed to them

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  • Patricia Keene

    November 27, 2018 - 4:12 pm

    A lovely interview from another organic gardener with a special relationship to the elementals, devas and plant spirits!

    • Lana Camiel

      November 27, 2018 - 5:31 pm

      Thank you so much Patricia for your kind words!

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